
2008 - 2012 Université de Rennes 1
PhD in Applied Mathematics. Topic : Reduced and hybrid models of biochemical reactions networks - Application to cell cycle modelization.
PhD Advisor : Pr. Ovidiu Radulescu & Pr. Nathalie Theret
2006 - 2008 Université de Rennes 1
Master degree in Computational Biology (Valedictorian)
2004 - 2006 Université de Rennes 1
1st year of Master degree in Computer Science
2003 - 2004 Université de Rennes 1
Bachelor degree in Computer Science
2001 - 2003 Université de La Rochelle
Bachelor of technology degree, speciality in Embedded Systems

2021 - agora Institut Curie, U900
Research engineer in the Computational Systems Biology of Cancer's team
2018 - 2021 Institut Curie, U900
Postdow fellow in the Computational Systems Biology of Cancer's team
2014 - 2018 Instituto Butantan, Laboratório Especial de Toxinologia Aplicada (LETA).
Pós-Doutorado no Centro de Toxinas, Resposta-Imune e Sinalização Celular
2009 (3 months) NCBS, Bangalore (International PhD mobility program)
Modelling TGFB-dependent NF-kB response in cervical cancer cell lines
2008 (6 months) IRISA, Rennes (Master Internship)
Development of a reduction algorithm for biological models, applied to the signalisation module of NF-kB
2007 (3 months) CNRS UMR 6026, Rennes (Master Internship)
Development of a software for predicting transcription factors binding sites, using phylogenetic foot-printing
2003 (3 months) EIGSI, La Rochelle (B-Tech Internship)
Development of a numerical regulation system
Conferences and Workshops

September 2021 Basel, BC2
MaBoSS: SBML-qual compatibility and a web interface for performing simulations (Talk).
March 2021 EuroHPC Summit Week 2021 / PRACEdays21
HPC enabled multiscale simulations to uncover mechanistic insights in the COVID19 infection (Poster).
November 2020 Disease Map Community Meeting 2020
PhysiBoSS-COVID: the Boolean modelling of COVID-19 signalling pathways in a multicellular simulation framework allows for the uncovering of mechanistic insights (Poster)
September 2020 CMSB 2020
Synthesis and Simulation of Ensembles of Boolean Networks for Cell Fate Decision (Talk, with Stéphanie Chevalier)
September 2020 ECCB 2020
Stochastic quantification of reachability with MaBoSS (Talk)
October 2019 Blacksburg, International Conference for Systems Biology (ICSB)
Ensemble Boolean modeling: example of a model of tumor invasion (Poster).
September 2019 Basel, BC2
MaBoSS Ecosystem (Talk, with Gautier Stoll)
October 2017 São Pedro, X-Meeting
SigNetSim : A web platform for building and analyzing mathematical models of molecular signaling networks; Dynamical model of the Ras-mediated AP-1 activation in mouse Y1 adrenocortical tumor cells (Posters)
August 2017 Blacksburg, International Conference for Systems Biology (ICSB)
SigNetSim : A web platform for building and analyzing mathematical models of molecular signaling networks (Poster)
November 2016 Belo Horizonte, X-Meeting
SigNetSim : A web-based framework for designing kinetic models of molecular signaling networks, Hierarchical Model of the Ras-MAPK signalling pathway in mouse Y1 adrenocortical tumor cells (Posters)
September 2016 Newcastle, COMBINE
SigNetSim : A web-based framework for designing kinetic models of molecular signaling networks (Talk)
September 2016 Barcelona, International Conference for Systems Biology
SigNetSim : A web-based framework for designing kinetic models of molecular signaling networks (Poster)
November 2015 São Paulo, X-Meeting
SigNetSim: an e-Science framework to design and analyse dynamical models of molecular signaling networks (Poster)
August 2015 Foz de Iguacu, International Congress of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
SigNetSim: Design and analysis of dynamical models of biochemical reaction networks (Poster)
April 2015 São Paulo, Symmetry and Dynamics in Biology 2015
Design and analysis of dynamical models of biochemical reaction networks (Talk)
November 2014 Belo Horizone, X-Meeting
SigNetSim: an e-Science framework to assist the design of kinetic models of molecular signaling networks (Poster)
September 2014 Melbourne, International Conference for Systems Biology (ICSB)
Mathematical modeling of the crosstalk between Ras/MAPK and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways in the K-Ras-driven mouse Y1 adrenocortical tumor cells provides insights into the mechanisms of FGF2-driven cell cycle arrest (Poster)
September 2013 Taormina, Workshop Hybrid Systems and Biology 2013
A hybrid mammalian cell cycle model (Talk)
July 2012 CECAM, Lausanne, Workshop Towards in silico biological cell : Bridging experiments and simulations
Piecewise smooth hybrid systems as models for networks in molecular biology (Poster)
September 2011 Max Planck - Institute für Informatics, Saarbrücken, Workshop on Algorithm in Bioinformatics
Piecewise smooth hybrid systems as models for networks in molecular biology (Talk)
March 2011 Cold Spring Harbour Lab oratory, Computational Cell Biology Meeting
Piecewise smooth hybrid systems as models for networks in molecular biology (Poster)
September 2010 Montpellier, Journées ouvertes en Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques
Piecewise smooth hybrid systems as models for biochemical reaction networks (Talk)
May 2010 Evry, Modélisation des systèmes biologiques complexes dans le contexte de la génomique, Thematic research school
Modelling TGFB-dependent NF-kB response in cervical cancer cell lines (Poster)
July 2009 Max Plank - Institute for Genetics - Berlin, MPI-CNRS Meeting - Robustness by dynamical transitions
Modelling TGFB-dependent NF-kB response in cervical cancer cell lines (Talk)

Computer Science Programming (C/C++, Java, Python, Assembly, ...)
Algorithmic, Data structure, Parallelization, Systems
Mathematics Mathematical modelling of biological systems
Differential and hybrid dynamical systems, Tropical analysis
Nonlinear Optimisation
Statistics (Classiffcation and Machine learning)
Game theory
Biology Biology System Biology (Modelization of signalling pathways and cell cycle)
Computational biology (Sequences Algorithmics, Phylogenetics)
Cell Biology